Revamp and rekindle

HELLO!, from the long gone quiet abyss. You probably thought we’d gone dead, but I assure you, we have not.

I won’t bother starting this by apologising by a lack of updates and activity in general, because you know it’ll be the same old excuses.

Instead, I’ll jump right into this!

Legends from Thyilos – Heroes of the Four Kingdoms is taking a massive step backwards, in order to take leaps forwards.
It’s been a long debated decision on whether to halt production on the project with the old RPG Maker XP engine, and start using the newer RPG Maker MV edition. But the only reason for a long time was that it had the inbuilt capacity to export the game on both Windows, Mac, and IOS/Android devices. This wasn’t really a good enough reason, but after a four month hiatus, and some reflection, i’ve started again. I’m hoping, with forced effort and determination, that the project will be up to scratch database and asset wise within five months.

During this, I’ll fix up the old XP version and release a Demo for people to play and get the gist of the story. PLUS, the XP Demo will have details on how to access a bonus hidden chamber on the MV edition, where players can get bonus material. This XP Demo version, will hopefully have a media release on the Studio Wisp Youtube page within a few months. So keep an eye out.

Unfortunately, I can’t give any updates to other Lucid Flame associated projects, only my own. But rest assured, we aren’t all dead yet.

Till next time!


This is a resurrection post!

As any of our followers would have noticed, LF seemed to vanish off the face of the planet around four months ago, and we’d owe you a good reason for that.

To begin with, myself, Shea, lost my laptop completely after it gave up the ghost. You may remember that in the, coincidentally, last pot here. it was a troublesom event, and for 3 months was out of action. Then after finally saving up and being able to get a new computer, it’s was another month again to get back into a work flow; as a result the will to post an update on here had faded. But, that ends now, and I’ll at least be trying to keep everyone up to date on all things LF related! For we certain are not gone yet, I promise you that.

So before I get started, my sincerest of appologise on behalf of all of Lucid Flame for the extreme lack of any updates.

Onto updates!!

First up on the running list, is Legends from Thyilos, which since I came back, I released a quick patch for the current (and still last) Beta Release for the demo. The patch fixes a couple missed things that could’ve caused trouble, particular a malfunctioning Antidote which wasn’t curing Poison at all. It did cure a couple other ailments though, but none of them are ones you could get yet.
You can download that fixed Beta here if you still feel game for it. The Full Demo release will be hopefully due sometime December. I can’t assure a specific date as of yet since things have slowed down, and the production team is becoming busier with real-time work.
However, in light of the no date, I’m pleased to announce we have a musician again, who so far has already proven quality of work. The Demo will have custom tracks composed by our new team member.

Next up, is Keepers of Time, which has mostly seen artwork development as of late. You can view a couple bits of promotional art over on the Artwork section of the site, but if you want to see even more of her work, consider visiting her Deviant Art where she puts up her work more regularly.
As far as the games development goes, it’s ‘in and out’, so to speak. The ‘of Time’ dev members had been putting more focus into another upcoming game that’ll tie into the series, but I”ll discuss more of that later. So as such for the current work flow, KoT will not have a pre-ordained Demo date, nor will it have any mention of potential Open Beta Demo’s, but if circumstances change, we will notify you and encourage. As of a post earlier last month on a forum, she’s hoped to get a demo out once Prehistoria is finished.

Seed’s of Time, technically the second in the ‘of Time’ series, has its progress on hold, the main reason being the lead developer, Rosa, is focused more thouroughly on the mysertious, third game in the series; which as I mentioned is the reason for KoT to be going by a little slower. Suffice to say now, all work on SoT has not stopped. It’s still an integral part in the series, so talk about it does come in and out when we’re discussing narrative.

Now, in closing to this post, I’d like to bring up that “other” game I’ve already mentioned a few times so far which has captivated both the lovely Rose and Rosa into thinking more about it. But because I’m a tease, I wont actually discuss it yet.
Instead, I’m going to talk with the others on it, then in a later post, possibly tomorrow, we will set up an official page for it here on LF.
Stay tuned for the announcement of the mysterious “ToT”.

One last notice before I go. The Live Streaming page, which was meant to have more activity on it, was neglected. mainly because I was the only one who wanted to make use of it at the time. The page is remaining up for now in case something changes. in the mean time, you can still access it, and view older videos that were recorded.

Until next time, 😉


Legends of Thyilos (formally Tales of Thyilos) Progress update

I’ve got good news and bad news about Legend of Thyilos.

The good news is its got new features being added in while I fix some things up, but nothing I’ve added has changed anything within the scripts, so I’ll be able to do one more Patch Release for Beta Demo Vr6 before I move on to adding things on that would prevent the transfer of saves.

One of the features is a little game changing experiment. You can no buy some food from markets. Its essentially really cheap and doesn’t do very much at all. But if you sacrifice a turn during combat to snack down on say, a piece of cheese, you’ll feel nourished and find a little bit of your health is regenerating after each turn in your battle phase! Some foods will also provide more MP regen! The assortment of foods available are more just a gimmick though; so you can buy foods that might suit your taste. I’ll work on adding in different bonuses though that can be gained from food.

However, and here comes the bad news.
I can’t work on that food… Or eventing… or combat balancing.

My laptop, the only workstation I have available to work on Legends of Thyilos has finally decided it doesn’t want to barely function anymore, and now blue screens during start up.

All game development on Tales of Thyilos is henceforth on hold until I can take my machine to get the data extracted from the hard-drives, and a new computer is obtained; which is easier said than done when I have no money for a new computer, and barely enough for getting the data off my laptop. I’ve got a car registration and bills to help with, so those are priority over the games development, but I’m hoping it’ll be more affordable to get data than I think it is. Might even get lucky.

If the quote is affordable, I might get the laptop to a point where it at least functions enough to work on, and i that’s the case, the game can continue. If that’s not the case though, then there’s just nothing that can be done about it until I get a new computer. I may be on one right now to do this post, but this Pc is not capable of operating the RMXP Engine.

So my sincerest apologise to those of you who have been following LfT’s progress, and thank you for your patience during the games early Beta development.

I will try to resume normal production as soon as possible!


Character Sprites and Voice Acting

New Title Logo
please do not use any of the images in this post

So, some of you out there maybe wondering what I’ve been up to this whole time, I mean, I haven’t updated in like… forever. Hahaha this update is actually pretty big, I totally understand if you get bored reading it half way through XD


First off, RG is currently the god of my idolatry. He has made a new logo for KoT :3 which you can see at the top of this post~ Ohhhh how much more I loves it ❤

As of… Yesterday, I’m making all of the icons for KoT by myself instead of using ones made by others. So far I only have a few, but I think they’re going to be a lot better^^

Hahaha I do admit I need lots more practice though XD the last four are rtp recolours.

Lately, I’ve been in a really weird mood and have gotten a lot of drawing done. Most of it was not KoT related, however, I did finally get Eric’s character art done XD

Behold the prettiness!
I’ve also gotten some random art done. I think I’ll use it as new cover art @.@ I haven’t gotten to shading it yet though

SO, I’ve also gotten a lot of spriting done, at this point all but one of the main characters have been completed! I also resprited Lancelot, because, well, I’ve never really been a fan of his design~ I’m not quite sure about his hair though~ While I’m at it, I might as well just post all of them XD

There’s the heroes~
The Pantheon~ (missing Death, I know)
(Two of) The baddies~ (neither of these are Solitaire, nice try)
And poor Corva that doesn’t really fit in anywhere. Wait, Corva?
Well, spoilers and all that. Just know that she’s important.

Also, I’ve decided to switch from BEM to Tankentai, mostly due to customization… and bugs. I’m currently working on getting the battle sprites to work properly, but they don’t want to because they’re a different size~


Yeah, I really do have too much time on my hands.

Other stuff

Right now, it’s still battlesystem battlesystem battlesystem~ I have to start the enemies over now too, because of the system switch to Tankentai. Then I’ll make the skills again…. Fun.

Prehistoria is going along well too. I still don’t have any new screenies, because I’d rather not let you see the new maps I have done xD you might figure out things that should not be figured out yet~

I know I keep pushing the demo date back further and further, but this time I swear to god I mean it *^* I shall have a demo released by the end of April! It’s all easy going after Prehistoria is done, so I might actually get KoT done this year zomj.

Also… I’ve decided I’m going to have voice acting OwO I’m going to post up the official auditions sometime next month, but friends can try out for a part now if you want to I think :3 there are lots of parts to be filled, more girls than guys though I’m afraid.
Voice acting will only be in important scenes and in battle though, not throughout the whole game *that would drive me crazy*. And I’m thinking of adding an option to turn it off too, as I know a lot of people don’t like voice acting. The characters that will be first priority for voice acting are…
Rose, Eric, Lucy, Lancelot, Father Time, Death, Red, Valarie DePeeks, and Skuld. Other characters include Life, Verdandi, Wyrd, and a ton of other characters that are either spoilerific or side characters


Jisun has been working really hard on the Boss Battle Theme, and now it’s done!
It is at the bottom of the second playlist, titled “Battle for Life”

Rofl that was a lot more typing than i thought it would be @.@ OTL and it seems like a lot less is done when it’s in post form, but oh well… Hopefully now I will be posting periodical small updates, so stay tuned if you’re interested I suppose~


Lucidflame.wordpress is now also!!

We decided to take big step forward and make our little group but one more official by garnishing our efforts with a touch of registered domain!

So without further adieu, welcome all to

You can still find us under , so if you’ve made any bookmarks, you don’t have to go changing anything.

It’s almost a shame though, we had wanted to make it, but some random, seemingly nothingness site owns it for the next two years. Go figure 😛 But hopefully you can all find this easier to remember so you can keep in touch with what updates there are to come!

Speaking of which, we were also discussing during our talk about registering a domain, about adding new content to the website. I can’t say for sure what it is yet, but we are thinking of a page dedicated to random art, which may also include articles not relevant to any of the games we are working on. I even mentioned the possibility of doing live-streaming… but, that could be a long way off, even if it weren’t just a random though.

So without further ramblings, I hope you all can drop by again soon and that you enjoy your visit enough to want to drop by again. ^_^

Till next time!


Hello and welcome!

Welcome to Lucid Flame!

We’re a collaborative group of friends who love games to the point where we wanna work on them too! So we’ve either started our own, or are working with other people and development groups to produce them. Some our massive projects with big teams making games right from scratch, and some are using the default stuff from the engine (we typically use RPG Maker engines) that we are using mixed with what stuff we or other people working on the game have made themselves.

In the end, there’s games, and games are fun. Right? We certainly hope so ^_^

There’s not much on the site just yet, as we only just got around to making it, but there will be more up soon (promise), and after a while we’ll all hopefully get into the flow of posting updates here on how the games we’re working on are going. So stay linked and please visit again for more RPG Maker game updates and cool stuff!
